Wednesday, 30 March 2022

Problem solving by debugging

 Today we linked some problem solving with programming the mbots. We were set a challenge to programme the LED lights and sounds to play in unison, like a police siren and lights. 

We focused on being able to debug our programmes by communicating and persevering. 

Monday, 28 March 2022

The Annunciation

 We have been learning about the Annunciation of Mary. Students have made short videos to share their learning.  

The Annunciation, produced by Francesca and Isabelle. 

 The Annunciation, produced by James and Kieran. 

Sunday, 27 March 2022

Week 9 Term 1

 Hopefully we have better weather this week so our pest trapping can fully begin. We first need to find out what pests are by using gink footprint cards. Then we can put some bait and traps out. 

If any student's sandals break over the next few weeks then winter shoes can be worn. Boys with the school socks and girls with plain white socks. 

Here is more information about purchasing our uniform.  Please remember, winter shoes are plain black shoes, with no logos. More information can be found here

No swimming this week.





Library - bring books to exchange. 


Sausage sizzle

Leonardo and Fynn did a great job cooking the sausages on Friday. 

Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Our pest traps are out

 We have placed the pest traps around school, and at a few homes. James M has made a Google Earth project which shows where they are placed. View the Google Earth project here

Sunday, 20 March 2022

Week 8 Term 1 Notices

 We are swimming all week. 

All students should have a novel to be reading throughout each week. This enables students to read more complex stories over a number of days. Our Library day is Thursday. 

Our pest traps are out around the school with footprint cards so we can gather some data before the trapping begins. We'll post some data soon. 









Library - bring books to exchange. 



Sausage sizzle

Annunciation Liturgy (in class, no visitors sorry)

James and Tamba cooking the sausages on Friday. 

Wednesday, 16 March 2022


We have been working hard to get our pest traps finished so they can be put out around the school. Mr Billing from JPC will join us on Friday to get them finished and ready to be put out around the school. Some students will also take a trap home to get rid of some pests at their place. Let Mr J know if you want one for your place. 

A Poster made by Tamba and Junior during the "Art for Ukraine afternoon."


Sunday, 13 March 2022

Week 7 Term 1

 We are continuing to make sure our classroom is a safe place for us all. Some of the procedures we have in place are:

  • Good ventilation - windows and doors are open all day with fans on.
  • Sanitising when we enter buildings.
  • Wearing masks indoors.
  • Cleaning surfaces in classrooms during the day.
  • Social distancing where practicable
  • Minimising large gatherings, apart from being in our own class.
  • Eating outdoors.
  • Staying home if we feel sick.
Our class has been pretty lucky so far with only a few students away. We look forward to welcoming these friends back soon. 
No swimming this week




Library - bring books to exchange. 
Bread and water day - Everyone will only have bread and water for morning tea (supplied). Bring lunch as normal. 
Sausage sizzle

Our First Aid team are doing a fundraiser this week. 

Last Friday our school raised over $500 for Ukraine. 
Noah and Kieran made this poster.

Wednesday, 9 March 2022

Waffle Wednesday

 Every Wednesday a group of students cooks waffles for morning tea. Today Lydia and Xavier did a great job with excellent help from Francesca and Ivansha. 

Grandma Gail would have been very proud. 

Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Noah's swimming medal haul

 Noah shared a number of his medals from his latest swimming cmpetition. 

Tino pai Noah!

Sunday, 6 March 2022

Week 6 Term 1

 Sick Children

I am well aware that it is difficult for working parents to juggle sick children and work, however for everyone's safety please keep your child home if they are sick. 
Should your child test positive for Covid please contact the school. We have to let the Ministry of Education know how many positive cases are reported to us each day. Thanks for your help with this. Please send a message to any of the following:

Anne Cato (
David Macmillan (
School Office ( or ph 3481701

We have had some discussions about being kind to others who have been away from school sick or isolating. Please remind your child to always be kind and think of others. 

Reading at home 

Please help your children by making sure they are regularly reading at home. This can be independent or with an adult, but reading longer texts where the story covers a number of days is best. A small number of students did not bring their books to change on Thursday, please remind your child that Thursday is Library day. A few students said they were part-way through a novel, this is fine. 


Painting our Pest traps - bring painting clothes


Fluro Fun Golf - some students only.


Painting our Pest traps - bring painting clothes


Library - bring books to exchange


Sausage sizzle

On Friday, students can wear the colours of the Ukraine flag (blue and yellow) or their national flower, the sunflower, to show our support for the people of Ukraine.  Gold coin donation please. 

Ivansha and Kendall did a great job cooking the bbq on Friday. 

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday

 Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. We had an awesome Liturgy in class which was prepared by Mrs Dobson and Mrs Mines, our DRS team. We had our Lent promises blessed by Father Thomas yesterday and then put on our forehead in the sign of a cross today to show our commitment. 

We also made pancakes, a lot of pancakes, with Grandma Gail and ate them for morning tea. This was to celebrate Shrove Tuesday which was yesterday.