Term 4 is upon us, it is very busy for our senior students. Please make sure you have the school app to receive updates via alerts and check our class blog as upcoming events will be posted weekly.
We are swimming each day this week.
Students are to start Term 4 in full summer uniform. Our Uniform Shop is open Mondays (8.30-9.00am),
Wednesdays (2.30-3.00pm) & Fridays (8.30-9.00am) during term time. The girls’ summer dresses are
currently only available from our school uniform shop. Please don’t forget children need to wear the
school sun hats in term 4.
We also sell school uniforms via our school website. You can order and pay online and pick up your
uniform from the school reception after you have been notified by email that the uniform is ready to
pick up. Hopefully, this will be easier for those parents who find it difficult to get to our uniform shop.
Colour Fun Run
THE COLOUR RUN is happening this Friday.
It is the final week to get sponsors. Please continue getting sponsors. If you haven’t made a profile yet, there is still time. We can keep going right to Friday and then the fun will begin. https://schoolfundraising.co.nz/
After the event the children will be able to order their prizes online. Orders need to be done by 31 October.
This week:
Library - bring books to exchange
Sausage Sizzle
The colour run will take place at 1.30 pm
Students must wear old clothes for the run…they will be covered in coloured chalk by the end of it! (Rest assured it does wash out). Please send a change of clothes and a towel as there will be a water activity. They cannot use their sports uniform or their school uniform when taking part.
We invite everyone to come along and watch the fun unfold!
If you would like to be a parent helper on the day please let Brigitte Holmes know.
brigitteh@stmarysrotorua.school.nz or text 0272121206.
The PTA helpers will be about but we will need more hands to help with safety, please volunteer if you can.
Coming up:
GRANDPARENTS/GRANDFRIENDS MASS; Friday, October 28th at 9.30 am
Join us for Mass with Catholic songwriter and singer, Andrew Chinn leading our singing. We would l
ove to see as many Grandparents/Grandriends as possible there with us.
We have a Teachers’ Only Day on Monday 7th November. There will be no school for children.
If you require after-school care you can ring Maryanne Roling from Glenholme Afterschool Care.
Mary Anne’s contact number is 347 0709 or 0211 215599
Interhouse Athletics Day 2022
Our annual Athletics Day will take place on Tuesday, October 8th. Please click on the form below
to help us organise the event. We need this information urgently please.
Athletics Day Form