Wednesday, 14 December 2022

R4 Retirement Party

 Oh, how we have aged over the course of this year. 

Today we used all our Banqer money to purchase things at our Banqer auction. We have learned the value of investing, saving and insuring. 

Friday, 9 December 2022

Our last week of 2022

This term has flown by. Thank you to all the whanau who have helped in R4 in any way this year. The students and I really appreciate all your efforts. 

This week


9:00am Mass in the Church and Bibles will be given to Year 6 students. 

Shared lunch, please send in a plate of kai to share. 

Banqer retirement party, students can bring an oldie outfit to get changed into. 


Big day in for Year 6 students.


Prizegiving in the hall at 9:30am. 

Secret Santa - students have each drawn a name to get a small fun gift for. Maximum $5.


Missioning at 11:00am in the school hall.

School finishes at 12:30 (or after Missioning). 

Holidays!!!  Your child has earnt a holiday, they have worked extremely hard this year. I am super proud of everyone, academically, socially and as caring young people. 

Enjoy your family time. 

Wednesday, 7 December 2022


Reading looks. a bit different these days. Firstly we read about unicycles and then we went out and started learning to ride them. We're not all experts yet but we'll keep working on it. 




Saturday, 3 December 2022

Week 8 Term 4

 Our Tryathlon/ Swimming sports are on Thursday at the Aquatic centre. Here is a link to the Form for parents to complete before the day.  More information is at the bottom of this post. 

Last week a letter was sent home with students regarding the use of social media and being responsible online users. There is a return slip attached which needs to be returned to school to acknowledge that it has been discussed at home. Our school's stance (and mine) is that our students are too young to have social media accounts, most platforms state that the minimum age is 13 years of age.  I have more copies of the letter in class if it didn't make it home. 


Goldentime (movie and snacks) as it couldn't happen last Friday. 




Tryathlon/ Swimming sports


Sausage sizzle

Tryathlon/ Swimming sports THURSDAY 8th December 2022

- The swimming sports will be combined with the Triathlon and will be held at the Rotorua Aquatic Centre on Tarewa Road in Rotorua.
- Years 4 – 6 students need to be dropped off at the Aquatic Centre on the day to meet their teacher by 8:45 am.
- Swimming sports will finish at approximately 2:30 pm.
-Children may come to swimming sports in their house colours, they may wear their togs under their clothes.

-If your child is taking part in the triathlon -Run/Bike/Swim-they will need to have you transport their bike to the Aquatic Centre.
-Alternatively your child can take part in the duathlon which is a Run/Swim

-Children need to be collected from the Aquatic Centre by 3:00pm at the latest.
-If your child attends After School Care or they usually catch the bus home they will be picked up from the Aquatic Centre at 2:30 pm.
-If you are unable to drop off or pick up your child from the Aquatic Centre please email Lorna Dobson

Children will need:
togs & towels, bike, sunhat, sunblock, warm clothes, morning tea, lunch & a water bottle.

Should the event need to be cancelled this information will put on our website by 7:30am and a notification sent via Facebook, Educa and the school phone app.

Whanau support will be needed on the day to help especially in the pool. Some of our children are reluctant swimmers and your help would be greatly appreciated.
Please contact Lorna Dobson